Thanks, I did find that equation but I now have no idea on how to calculate the bulk modulus of ammonia. Do you know of any resources that you can point me to to calculate this based on my actual temp and pressure?
Thanks for the reply. I guess im not actually looking to calculate the stiffness of the piping system. We had a company come out and do a vibration analysis on out compressed CO2 lines and they identified a few areas of high shaking force. The fource they determined to be around...
Thanks, the speep fo sound in ammonia is what i was looking for. Where did you find that value? Im new to the field and suck at looking things up.
Verify the output flow of a flow meter.
I don’t know how to begin to calculate the amount of water that can be held in a multi species gas stream. I know all the components, and mass fractions on a “Dry” basis. I also know the temperature and pressure of the gas stream...
Hello to all, I am recient college graduate (University of North Dakota 2009). I am working in the nitrogen fertilizer business and one of the tasks given to me is to perform a 120 # steam balance over our major users. I am attempting to figure out how to calculate the flow through a pressure...