Per McGraw-Hill Second Edition Dictionary of Engineering:
duplexed system [ENG] A system with two distinct and separate sets of facilities, each of which is capable of assuming the system function while the other assumes a standby status. Also known as redundant system.
OK; great responses from everyone! Thanks! To answer some of the questions raised above, the battery (time) autonomy is 30 minutes. All UPS systems on three substations were successfully tested and witnessed by the Client (even with a larger load of 2kw and only about 55% battery charge at...
My specs call for redundant UPS backup for MV equipment auxiliaries. The Contractor has provided a redundant UPS for MV equipment auxiliaries but has also connected emergency lighting to the UPS. The Client's engineers say this should be a "dedicated" UPS and have no other systems, such as...
My specifications require all bolts to be sheradised. This includes tempered anchor (holding-down) bolts that will be completely encased in concrete. I understand that the sheradising process requires heat in the range of 370-500 degress Celcius and am concerned about the heat affecting the...
I have 700mm dia pipe columns that will be filled with concrete after erection. Max length is 18 meters. How much pressure will I need to pump the concrete?