hi i have created a model of precast I girder bridge and after that have have then created a moving load case where i move trucks at different speeds on my bridge now i want to se determine what deflections are produced in that model and want that deflection result in a tabular form is possible...
bridgebuster i will have to place point load or udl on the deck what will be the magnitude of point will it the half of the axle load of hs20-44 loading or if i place udl its total load will be equal to axle load of hs20-44
i have obtained live load on the girder by hand calculation and i placed a udl of .648 k/ft on the girder and for shear condition placed a 26 k point load on the girder end i think that will give me maximum stringer reaction
i have determined live load on prestressed concrete I girder according aashto lane loading can i use reaction from the girder (dead load +live load) and place it as a point load on the cap beam will that be a correct procedure
hi i am new to bridge design and i am having trouble transferring live load on the pile cap can some one help i have a 70 ft simply supported span and my loading is hs20-44