I seem to have found what I was looking for here: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/search if anyone would happen to need it in the future. If anyone knows of any other sources I would greatly appreciate them as well.
What I am looking for is a database that contains historical rainfall intensity data for a specific location that can be downloaded easily. I have found this (http://www.srh.noaa.gov/ridge2/RFC_Precip/) on NOAA's site and it's perfect honestly; you can look up a specific area and then see the...
Is it possible to calculate the flow rate entering a pipe by merely measuring the depth of the fluid entering it? The pipe is gravity fed.
Initially I began researching circular weirs however after further thought there isn't a crest present allowing for free fall to occur.
I am currently working on a WWTP upgrade and my supervisor and I are running into a problem deciding what to do with the scum out of the primary clarifiers.
Currently the scum is skimmed into a trough and routed into a "scum concentration box." Once the grease and scum coagulate the material...
I wanted to extend my thanks first of all to everyone who has contributed and delivered insight.
There are a few things I would like to mention, so that everyone may see my perspective on the situation.
I was suppose an important question I must pose is economics related. I noticed...
I am currently designing a small CMU building with exterior load bearing walls that surpass the IBC's lateral support requirements (2109.4.1) The code states that load bearing walls (non solid units / not fully grouted) not exceed a distance of 18 times the thickness.
8" CMU Block X 18 = 144"...
I am currently revising a concrete clarifier slab thickness and reinforcement. The clarifier is being relocated on the site from a poor soil condition location to a relatively good soil condition location. We are in the process of getting new bore holes drilled in the exact location; however a...
Thank you for the help and input everyone, it is greatly appreciated.
It appears for this particular application that the channel empty governed in the overall design.
I am currently trying to design a concrete water channel for a headworks building. I was just wondering what the best approach for this situation was. Initially I thought designing the channel much like that of a retaining wall would be the best approach. However I came across the PCA's...
I have been unable to find any information on equipment pad design. I was interested in knowing what the proper procedure might be. Initially I thought you would design it similar to an isolated footing; however I would imagine there are lateral loads in relation to equipment vibration. I was...