This is kind of what this post is asking. I am currently obtaining the sum of an output in a region using post processing by generating ODB Field Output and then Operate on XY Data. Can any one out there advise a quicker and easier way?
When I set up the Field Output I can ask for output from a...
I am not sure what you are saying here. I am already requesting SE measurements from these regions and from the whole model. But I believe you then have to sum the SE in the elements for each region. If there is another way without summing each element, then this is what I am looking for?
Morning all,
I have a fairly large model I am looking at (~200,000 elements), which I have used to predict natural frequencies and mode shapes using a simple frequency analysis. This works great and takes 1-2 hours to run.
As well as predicting displacement (U) to give the mode shapes, I also...
Hi All,
I have been modelling a simple (0.050x0.025x0.005m) Aluminium plate, fixed round the edge. I predict the natural frequencies and mode shapes with frequency analysis and the forced response with steady state dynamics. This has been done with both 3D solid elements and 2D shell elements...
Hi All,
I have a large model that I imported from a NASTRAN BDF file and I am looking to get frequencies and mode shapes from a simple frequency analysis.
Because of the size of the model and the large run time for the whole model I have been deleting large numbers of elements using the mesh...
Thanks for that Nileo,
I have pasted the missing elements into the INP file and done...
*Element, type=??
<paste element numbers here>
*Elset, elset=NAME_of_Elementset, instance=PART-1-1
<paste element numbers here>
I am not sure what elemnet type to use for these very thin 'line' like...
Hi All,
I am looking at a very large Nastran model in .bdf format. I have imported into Abaqus and tried to run a frequency analysis. The error message is returned that material properties are missing from about ~1% of the elements (7000 in total).
I have looked at the ErrElemMissingSection in...