We are using HEPA filters because we are trying get 99.9%+ efficiency at .3ug/m^3. The price of ULPA filters is too expensive for this project.
To give you a little background of our system, we currently have a lab that is bringing in approximately 1000 CFM. Additionally, the lab...
The air handling unit has no other ducts nor VAV boxes. Is there a way to calculate the CFM available without using the pressure drop. I do not have a pressure gauge within the system, nor would it be easy to install in our situation. The resistance and pressure drop of the HEPA filter...
I have a laboratory that is currently bringing in approximately 1000 CFM of air. This air travels through 12" duct and then into a diffuser that is 48" x 24". CFM was calculated at the end of the 12" duct. I am wanting to install a HEPA filter just above the diffuser but do not want to...