I am trying to bid a job and this is the callout for the material. It would not be cost effective to buy a spec just to bid the job. I would not have asked the question if I had the spec.
Thanks for the reply. I don't have the specification. I see that they reference A108, A304, A311, A322, A633, and A675. Per the stated strength levels, I see that 4140 HT per A322 could work, but I can't be sure without more info. This application would use a 4.25"+ round bar.
Thanks for the clarification.
Thanks for the information. The .001 tolerance range on the dimensions pretty much gave their criticality away.
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"Assuming it conforms generaly to ASME Y14.5m-94 or similar (does it say on the print?) then .5531 would not be acceptable, the upper limit is .55300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000... regardless of that symbol."
Yes, ANSI Y14.5M applies (it doesn't say which version, I...
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I'm sure if I stay within the limits, it...