Yup guys done the reverse engineering of the slope have got a fair idea of what it should be but the Triaxial test are not indicating similar values hence my Quest
Well guys this is for a cut slope which has already failed, and we are just looking at the soil properties to see what they are as no prior testing was done.
So i am just trying to get a Effective Friction angle for long term stability.
I have got the lab retesting the samples as single...
Guys thanks for that. I have found some correlation charts of PI and Shear strength but was wanting to know if some one has the chart i can use, have read Bowles P108 it describes it but need more information. By the way i have got the Lab redoing the testing doing single stage triaxials not...
Guy i want to now how i can get the soil properties from Atterberg Limits. I have some triaxial testing done but the results are a bit strange so want to know how do can i compare them with Atterberg Limits??
Guys I just do not understand it have 2 ore test come back with s similar result but the thing is that they are not even from the same site and I am getting similar results from the Triaxials, i am thinking there is more to this, any thoughts what we can do
Guys i have a soil sample which is a Clayey Material and i have got results from the CUPP of c'=63kPa and phi'=9.5 deg. This to me is a bit weird a not to sure what to make of it??
Hello there, I have a question to for you guys out there, how do we work out the Effective c' and phi' from a undrained triaxial with PWP. Is there a formula i can use.