Using the equation: heat input = V*A*60/travel speed
Which is the way to measure travel speed?
For example we measure the time and the length of the welding bed?
Can u tell me the practice used?
If I understand right, In the case that impact test is required, or in general, and the PWHT is at austenitizing temperature, then Heat input measurement is not mandatory. As I can see for example in ASME VIII table UCS-56 (PWHT for P-No 1) the temperature is bellow the austenitizing one. So...
ASME IX at QW-409.1 writes that "...heat input does not apply when the WPS is qualified with a PWHT above the upper transformaation temperature..."
What do they mean upper transformaation temperature?
Is it the solidus of the phase diagram of the base metal?
In general if PWHT is used Heat Input...