Maybe I am mistaken, but as I understood oxy torches melt the steel with the oxy acetyl mixture and then when you hit the handle or valve it gives a blast of oxygen. This doesn't burn but instead pushes the molten metal out of your way. This in turn enables the oxy to melt the next part etc. in...
Hello all,
I have come across a difficult question and was wondering if anyone can point me to some literature. I have a 400 series corrugated thin plate (409 or 410, hard to tell with PMI due to sever scale) that has literally "burned up". I am trying to figure out if it is even possible for...
Just to toss some more fuel on to the fire ... (This is on the second page I believe of TMoose Link)
"Furthermore, when lip seals are used on
a Corvette with warped or out of spec rotors and or
spindles, loose bearings or a Corvette that is driven
hard; they can actually suck air into the...
Mike - Good idea, I will be calling the epoxy manufacturer later today. Should have already done that...
Molten - The reason I was curious about chemical reactions was due to changing chemistries around the epoxy "patch". I am not a chemist by any means, but I was wondering if people had seen...
Hi all,
First post, so forgive me if I miss a few things... I'll be happy to add them if you let me know what information you would like.
I have run into a question where I was asked how an epoxy could effect a substrate material. My previous knowledge of epoxy was "it glues things together"...