Thanks for the reply. Indeed it is not possible to estimate the flow rate with zero diff. head, extrapolating is unrealistic and often ends up outside the sheet of paper that contains the curve. The problem is to convince the Authority' inspector that the pressure safety valve guarantees the...
Sorry littleInch, I am talking about pressure vessel.
This is a generic question: how can I estimate the flow rate of a pump which, due to a malfunction of the upstream regulation systems, is operating with a very low head and outside its curve (on the right side)? Which flow rate should I have...
I better formulate my question. I transfer water from tank A (at atmospheric pressure) to tank B with a difference in height of 50 m.
Tank B has a design pressure of 6 bar and a PSV capable of discharging the pump flow rate with DP = 50 m. If, by mistake, the pressure in tank A becomes 5 bar...
How to evaluate the flow rate of a centrifugal pump (without inverter) when the suction pressure is the same as the outlet pressure and we are out of the pump curve?