Hunter707, I don't have an answer, but that may a good question for one of the testing labs (CTL or Wiss Janey, etc.)
I'm not sure how the tester would know what the "actual" breaking load would until after the test is done. Nominal is more of an expected breaking load (i.e. 0.5" diameter...
Another point to add if you elect to stage-stress:
The CGS of each stage-stressing should match the CGC of your concrete member - to avoid introducing eccentricities. Therefore, the PT Supplier should provide a sequence of which tendons to stress with each stage.
It seems like this issue has been solved, but another possible cause could be excessive "seating" loss (a function of the wedges grabbing strand after stressing jack is released). Typically, you can expect 1/4" of seating loss. However, if you have 3/8"-1/2" due to a dirty anchor cavity, then...