I'd agree with sixaparrat but I think it is a case of when in Rome
if used in a contractual sense, i'd suggest the term be defined at the beginning of discussions/documents
TDAA - thanks.
Yes I think you are right.
thoughts that have passed by my mind - spray the fill white with an inoncuous material; build the road in a cut in the snow/ice so that less sun hits the ice and fill; put a screen along parts that face the sun;
beej67 - thanks for the comments - I agree but unfortunately I have to cross a considerable distance of glacier ie going across the 'grain'.
A problem like this certainly exercises the mind.
Thanks Gabionguy.
I was thinking on the same lines - fabric with fill on top. We may lose the road through creep - depending upon the galcier movement and we're not sure of that yet. The fabric will provide a temporary solution however.
If it ever goes ahead, I will buy shares in a fabric...
Thanks Carl.
I appreciate the quick response.
I am based in Canada and my company has experience in ice roads but we want to use this road year round, ie during summer, and my mind is filling with 'what ifs'.
Good day,
I am wondering if anyone has experience of constructing semi-permanent roads on glaciers, the methods used and the problems/pitfalls (and I don't just mean the crevasses)?
I can't see that there would be a one size fits all answer but any references, examples, ideas etc would be...