OK, so using arcs seemed like a great idea, but it didn't work. I got the exact same result on the drawing after I remade that part using arcs. I thought for sure it would and thanks again to Jerry for reminding me to try it.
The shading issue is very similar to the jpeg you posted, although the facetization is contained within the outline of the object.
The bleeding, where underlying parts show through others, is different. That is where it physically looks like the two parts are sharing the same space even...
All components are fully loaded and reference sets only contain solid geometry. I've systematically worked through most of the obvious settings in the visualization performance tool and tried to print to PDF instead of exporting to PDF. In the print to PDF function you can adjust the PDF...
Attached is an example of what all circular objects look like in the 2D drawing.
I am unable to attach the actual file or screen capture, so you'll have to appreciate my MSPaint skills.
The "bleeding" of underlying parts is basically both parts showing up in the same space even though they are...
There are two issues when a particular A1 size drawing is exported to a PDF:
-the solid color shading is not completely filling the outline of the solid body
-underlying parts are partially displayed over and through other parts that are not touching.
I unchecked the Disable Full Scene...