thanks my friends.
it seems that this case is a limitation by hysys.
the person who do simulation in final stage use on dummy heater to compensate tempperature decrease in pump.
Dear friends;
I am going to report the power for a compressor which shall transmit natural gas through pipeline.In this regard I have some questions .
First of all I want you to refer me to a good reference or guideline to calculate the power required for different type of compressors.I have...
would you please somebody explain the following terms for reciprocating pump and difference between them:
1-normal capacity
2-required capacity
3-actual capacity
4-rated capacity
also please let me know the reference
Dear Sir;
I am involved in one project which includes one gas dehydration unit which use TEG(Triethylene Glycol) to dehydrate the gas .
In the process there is one circulation pump which shoud increase pressure of TEG(with purity of 99%) from 6 bara(and 37 C) to 118 bar.
The strange matter is...