Hi everybody! What is the most effective way to calculate deviatoric stresses in Abaqus. I need to pass them in subroutine for further calculation... tnx
Hi everybody!
I am doing Sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis and my question is if it is possible to prescribe predefined field variable (field for material properties) from thermal analysis into stress analysis similar like prescribing temperature from thermal to stress analysis.
Hello everybody.
I am dealing with uncoupled thermal-stress analysis. During thermal analysis i specified several fields in USDFLD. I saved results in .odb file and SDV's in .fil file. During thermal analysis i have the control over reading fields from USDFLD or URDFIL subroutine into other...
Hi! I am modeling phase transformation with Abaqud during steel quenching. I have question about USDFLD. In my USDFLD I have manage to apply several fields to my model. I want to apply heating and cooling rate as USDFLD.
When I call GETVRM I calculate temperature difference as dT=FIELD-STATEV...
I want to know if it's possible to write subroutine of 3 different time dependent surface film conditions at same time, with differnet h1, h2 and h3? they aren't temperature dependent. I wrote subroutine for one, but i am no sure if i can write for 3 sfilms. (i want to simulate 3 different...
I am trying to simulate phase transformation during rapid heating and cooling in laser hardening process. I modeled laser heat source with dflux user subroutine for non-gaussian heat source. I would like to know which subroutine to use to model phase transformation and volume fraction...