I have created a drawing. I want to create a 3d assembly and want to show two different views trimetric.
I have created a view by: Base View, Model View to use: TFR-TRI.
( I now have Top-Front-Right Views in trimetric)
I now want to create a view exactly opposite to this view, TFR-TRI
Actualy thats the funy bid. I know how to use it. The problem is i couldnt get the view to be orrientated in 3d or the oppisite view of (TFR-TRI) at Drafting.
It shouldnt be hard, I just want the view opisite to TFR-TRI?
Very little hint should solve my problem. pls
Sorry my first post...
I want to creat a 3D Assembly.
I only can get one view type: TFR-TRI. (Top front right)
I try to use projected view to get other side views but it does not com tri and the view is not good.
How can I get other views, like buttom back left