I have a set of drawings which shows the toe levels. It has already been determined during the design phase which included geotech assessments.
So my question is that during actual construction what happens if the toe level has been exceeded? Is this an actual issue or can that be...
If the pile toe levels has been exceeded by more than 500mm or so, what is the best rectification for this:
I have thought about a few options but advise would be great:
* pour in concrete to the toe level
* do nothing as the desirable toe level has been passed and therefore has met the piling...
SIMOPs (simultaneous operations) are described as the potential clash of activities which bring about an undersired event or set of circumstances; eg: safety, environment, damage to assests, scghedule, etc.
MOPO stands for "matric of permissible operations" that clearly lays out what...
I am putting together a SIMOPs plan. does anyone have a template and a plan already done so that I can read and use as an example. in addition does anyone have a SIMOPs matrix, or matrix of permissible operations (MOPO) template, inlcuding description?
Hi There,
We are currently using an air back pressure control valve for our air line. However, I would like to know if I can use the same valve model for water. I have to temporarily hook up a pressure regulating valve for water to reduce the line pressure from 800kpa to 650kpa and since we...
Thanks for that but what about the pulsation dampers. Do I need them because I will be running two in parrellel?
Also do I need a proiming pot or will the AOD pumps hold suction, even when they are not running?
We currently have a (3")air diaphragm pump running at 42m3/hr
We want to install a second air diapghram pump (total flow 80m3/hr), but after further investigation I found that I needed to put in a pulsation damper for each pump because I will now have 2 pumps in parrallel and may cause an...
I am looking into the positioning of lances for the injection of NiCl2 into the FBR. Currently the lances are positioned near the top of the fluidised bed, but the intention is to lower them an additional 400mm down from the original position,with a reduction of inclanation of approx 8 degrees...
I have a pipe vibration issue. Each time the submersible pumps starts the stainless steel pipe vibrates. I have two static mixers, which I can not remove. They are required because we have found that although removing the mixers has more or less eliminated vibration, it has affected the chemical...