Material failure at 6% elongation probably comes from a tensile testing. Be careful there as this failure is due to the geometry of the tensile specimen and not a failure characteristic to the material itself.
I would propose you to go by MAT_ADD_EROSION (from 9.71 R5 on well documented). As...
Is there a material model in LS-Dyna which can deal with plastic tangent moduli higher than the elastic young´s modulus?
An increase in material stiffness results in negative plastic true strains. Using it as input for MAT_24, negative plastic true strains are ignored and set to zero.
Can you...
Hey there,
I´d like to simulate a composite material with matrix and fibres in a prestressed condition (due to different CTE). Therefore I have to take into account that the material´s response due to the stressed condition changes with the amount of prestress.
In Ansys there´s the command...
Hey there,
I m looking for a way to simulate a material in LS-DYNA with two different youngs-moduli (one for tension, one for compression). Furthermore it should have two different yield points (one for tension, one for compression). Please see also the image attached...
Never trust a chinese =)
A chinese gave me the advice with the body force.
It turned out to be totally wrong. I now use "predefined field" as load and it works all fine.
Thanks for your help,
this thread can get closed.
Best regards,
Thermal Simulations are always a funny tihng, you are right.
I need to get my hands on some examples.
I thought that a simple generic example would do it.
And 100 Kelvin are not a force, that s right. I don t know why ABAQUS calls it "body force".
Thanks for your help.
Yet maybe someone...
The 100K should lead to a volumetric expansion, i.e. linear expansion in all dimensions. And the boundary conditions
are chosen (in my opinion) in a way that free expansion without stresses should be possible (given a homogeneous material).
Hey guys (and girls :),
i d like to simulate thermal stresses in a hybrid material consisting of several different materials. Static Analysis is all fine and yields nice results.
Now for a thermal analysis i d like do some research on the thermal expansion and on the resulting stresses.
Thank you for all your help.
I think the quiltet plot option is a real good idea.
For the beginning this one will satisfy me.
Yet there still remain some negative values.
The resulting contour-plot with the quiltet option is much more reasonable now.
The best way maybe is a results-mapping...
Thanks for your response.
It s just as I supposed.
But how can I overcome it? The values of the contour plot are definitely not the right ones.
I thought of deleting all layers except one to have the interpolation performed on only one layer without disturbing high differences in the values...
I have a simulation model consisting of several layers which are divided into sections. In the odb.-file, I´d like to
chose some of the sections and save them into a new odb-file.
My problem is, that a fieldOutput that I implemented has values for the layers that are too different to...
What I forgot to mention:
The model is build from several solid-layers of
CFRP with different orientations.
Having only one orientation, there´s no such
issue with negative values in the contour plot.
Hey there,
I´m researching composite structures with Abaqus and
I`ve written a script to evaluate failure criteria - i.e.
efforts of the structure. This is done by accessing the
odb-file and writing a new FieldOutput to it (Hashin- and Puck-Criterion).
So far everything worked well. But...