I'm sorry for not getting back on this post. I was in training.
So, I got back in touch with McMaster telling them that hole tol of +/- 0.01" is not right and they responded that they actual hole dimension is 0.375" +0.002"/-0.
This is the REAL dimension for the hole I believe. Please let me...
imcjoek, the material of the body I'll be fitting the Ball Plunger into is 17-4 PH. It will not experience any elevated temperatures and the problem is that I can't get my hands on one. I'm remotely supporting which makes my life that much harder
drawoh, I wish I could switch suppliers but...
I'm calculating the hole dimensions to press fit a 0.38" OD x 0.865" SST Ball Spring Plunger (http://www.mcmaster.com/#standard-spring-plungers/=xznir4) Part number 8262A17.
If I go with FN2 fit, i get the Hole Dia to be 0.38060 Max and 0.3800 Mins as per the calculator at Link
Is there a formula to calculate the force (Push or Pull) required to install a Pin which has O-rings and back-up rings on it into a Box?
Thank you for your suggestions
I am designing a cylindrical pressure vessel which will have an pressure chamber ID of 3mm and 75 mm long. The pressure chamber will have to withstand an internal pressure of 35k psi at 400deg F. A wire of 1mm dia will need to run centrally along the length of the pressure chamber. I will need...