when I submit the user defined subroutine to Abaqus 6.7-1, I have encountered with an error message:
unknown keyword "usersubroutine"....AMBIGUOUS KEYWORD.
How can I solve it? can anyone help me please?
thanks for your helpful suggestions.that problem has solved.
but I encountered with new problem:
when I submit the subroutine to Abaqus I have encountered with an error message:
unknown keyword "usersubroutine"....AMBIGUOUS KEYWORD.
How I can solve it? please can anyone help me?
I try to run my user defined subrutine in Abaqus 6.7-1,but I have encountered with an error message:
Unable to create a temporary directory" C:\program files\intel\..." to be used for scratch files.
how can I solve it? please help if you have any suggestion.