WHY NOT USE A STEEL HSS BENT TO SUPPORT THE ENDS OF THE RIDGE. I DO THIS IS MANY CASES WHERE I HAVE A VAULTED CEILING CONDITION. SEE MY ATTACHMENT.http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=45658b10-0e69-49c5-9eb7-03d4db16c675&file=2012-1-15-MASTER_FINAL_Model_(2)_HSS_Bent.pdf
I'm am adding a new opening for an RTU duct on an existing commercial building that I just found out have this old gypsum roof deck. My opening is more than 12" and I know that I have to add angles to support the new openings. My question is this:
How are the new angle members connected to the...
I have heard that once you break coverage it will be higher when you renew later. I am in a situation where I need to obtain insurance and here is my case below.
I am planning to open my own practice next year, but currently still working for an engineering firm. Recently I was given...
I would like to know how many small structural engineering firms are surviving the downturn. I am most interested in firm size with less than 10 people. If you are surviving what is keeping you alive? Where are you located? I seen small engineering firm in the California bay area that have...
Row ... good question. This is what I ask myself everyday, what will set me aside from the hundreds of small firm that I will be competing with. I am still searching for the right answer before making my move. Some positive notes that I ahve recieve thorough the years are ...my interpersonal...
Thanks Structuralengr89 for your input. I have been thinking about having my own practice for the last 2 years, but have not made a move becuase I wanted to get my S.E. first. My plan is to position myself with current clients and different organization so that the transition will be easier...
Thank you all for responding to this posting. The advises are all helpful. I to am thinking of opening my own practice in structural engineering consults. I would like to know what everyone thoughts are about opening a business during this downturn in the construction industry. I am thinking...