Thank you all for your response. I know it's easier to do it on the computer and it's automatic..BUT sometimes it's nice to get it and learn it how did that 'value' comes out. Rather than just punching it in the keyboard. Lots to learn! Thanks again
It might be a funny question but here goes..I'm just curious, how do they do the heat loss calc back when theres no computer or software. How do they do it manually. I ask someone, and says 'you can only get the value on the computer, it calculates it for you'..and i say, is there a way to do it...
Thank you all for your inputs. But it's true, reality is most of the clients doesnt understand, all they want is cheap, cheap, cheap...don't care just make it work. Anyway enough with my vent.
What my manager decided to do is, and I need your input here again, adjust the belts, down to...
Sorry, so replacing the unit to a lower cfm is not an option because the owner doesnt want to spend. My question remains, is there a way to reduce the cfm? can you adjust anything? can you add something to the unit to reduce it's cfm? can you redirect the air? I'm NOT really sure, I'm new to...
Actually its 4 point something. To round it off, it will come up to 5 ton. It's actually inside the shopping mall, so there's no exposures. it's only a typical retail space with minimal lighting and equipment.
Thank you for your quick response. The other problem is the owner doesnt want to replace the existing roof top unit. I was thinking is there a way of redirecting the excess cfm? I'm not sure..please help I need more options. Thanks again
It might be a bit optimistic to mention the word 'expert'..pardon me. Anyway, I'm new to the HVAC world and I'm working in a engineers office doing hvac and plumbing. And to tell you the truth, I liked it! I'm just thinking is there somebody out there who knows a school in Ontario...
The unit is a shell space with roof top unit. The base building engineers assume that whoever occupy the space, 12 ton would be enough. So to answer your question, I'm going to say no.
I'm working on a retail space and heres my prob.
the heat loss calc comes up to 14 ton. The existing roof top unit only has 12 ton. The client doesn't want to add anymore ac units to cover the required 14 ton. Is there a way to increase the cfm to 14 by just using the 12 ton. sorry i'm new to...
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and new to the hvac world. My question is, How do you calculate glazing solar exposure, say in a commercial retail space, without using a software. We have a software in the office that does the heat/ loss calc. and part of it is the solar calculation. But...