I have a flat washer made of Ti6Al-4V, alpha case is induced during the process on the outer diameter to a total depth of 0.003"
How critical is this condition on the washer to the joining application and performance.
My personal opinion is none, since the washer is just distributing the load of...
See attachement. It is a picture of the sample I checked and shows different depth, the visual examination shows a less deep casing base on the structure and or apperance. Sorry for the pic. my camera is not a high resolution one. But you can tell that the casing ends some where around the 50...
They just reported and return samples back with indentations. I contacted them to let me knwo how they determine the total case, they said they used the SAE J423 and their own procedure, asked for further details but I am not sure they will disclose that info. Let me know if you can oppen the...
I had an issue with total case depth which to my undertanding and based on SAE J423 is the depth of hardness where the hardened layer reaches the same hardness and properities as the base or core material. I was familiar with effective case depth, which we normally test by microhardness test...