Modified proctor applies more energy to the soil specimen than standard proctor does. The amount of energy applied in the modified proctor test is generally more representative of the amount of energy you would get from todays normal compaction equipment.
The sample you have collected for the proctor will have material from dust to 4" in diameter - but when performing the proctor test, all material larger than 3/4" is screened out (The test is only run on material finer than 3/4").
After the test is completed, a correction factor is applied...
I believe that we can get pH 7.0 water (and/or DI/distilled water) from the labs that we use to analyze environmental samples.
Finding a lab like that (if you don't already use one with regularity) might be a good first step.
Thanks for the reply BigH
I had actually begun with a similar table, but wanted to take it a step further to take out the process of people having to think "what types of things are readily dented with strong pressure of my thumb". I came up with this table with a little brainstorming help...
Hi all,
I'm trying to come up with some examples of every day materials which I can use to describe the stiffness/undrained shear strength of mine tailings to a non-engineering audience. The specific case deals with mine tailings which range between approx. 100 and 800 psf undrained shear...