hi,how add to my nc program a tool list(the description,mom_tool_description) at the begin of program?
i see this comand but don´t works with mom_tool_description.
Need reprocess it?
global ptp_file_name mom_definition_file_name mom_output_file_full_name
global mom_output_file_directory...
Another picture and a video of the workpiece with another cam and a double stroke font
there is also a single line font "Modern" (do not remember where I got it) which makes it perfect nx the path as shown in the picture.
Great! Works!
and incredible my formula to convert the time to hours,minutes,seconds.
[expr int($mom_toolpath_time / 60)]h [expr int (((int($mom_toolpath_time / 60)-($mom_toolpath_time / 60))*60)*-1)] m [expr int (((int((int($mom_toolpath_time / 60)-($mom_toolpath_time /...
Es que son la polla ,añade esta variable blabla,¿donde ,cuando,porque?y si no sale vas a la pagina oficial,!joder,.que mi software es como Johnny Depp,no tengo webkey ni gaitas.Este va a ser otro post sin solucion,porque,entre que nx es muy atravesado para estas cosas,y como se explican estos...
apa berri,eres el puto amo,estos giris solo saben comer donuts y se creen la polla,pero asi va el mundo,todo transgenico y superficial,siempre dependiendo de la puta gasolina,En fin,seguiremkos chuopandoles el culete a estos mamones,chao.
hi, i am new user from here,i have a question,I am modifying some of the files tcl/tpl that come in the folder shop_doc to personalize them a little, I am with a problem, in a table within tcl (oper_param.tpl) there am addition some fields with the variables mom_tool_description but it gives...