Hi guys,
Did any of you tested the response of a simple linear-elastic material to pure shear and simple shear?
Did you notice which of the two is more energy expensive?
How prior pure shear can influence subsequent simple shear?
Thanks gwolf
Did you ever look at what is the effect of prior pure shear on subsequent simple shear? Did you or anyone noticed if residual stresses and/or residual strain energy is propagated from pure shear to simple shear therefore making the simple shear deformation more energy expensive? All...
Hi guys,
I am running pure shear experiments with 2d plane strain elements. My mesh is made up of only 1 element. I know that in plane strain E33 is zero and S33 is not.
What is the role of S33 in plane strain? What is its physical significance?
For example in pure shear experiments S33 is...