I appreciate the help. I will order the NAAMM FP 1001-97 standard and see if that helps. As far as the wind load on the pole I have that under control....it is just how to determine the loads from a flag that is flapping. Thanks again.
I do not see any reference to this in either AASHTO LTS-4, 2001 or ASCE-7, 98. Given F=0.00256*Kz*Kh*I*Cd*(V)^2*A, what would you use for the Cd? All other coefficients are easy to calculate. Is this the correct methodology?
The slope is approximately 20 degrees and is a well-compacted sandy clay. My question is really in regards to the embeddment depth required to resist overturning. Due to the slope, there might not be adequate material in the horizontal direction to develop full earth pressure. How much of a...
I am trying to determine the effects of a light pole foundation located on a slope. When looking at the groundline moment applied to the foundation, how do I account for the slope? What is the angle of the slope for which it can be ignored. I cannot find any guide for determining the...