I am having trouble with listing my analysis results from Ansys 12 results viewer. It is a steel structure modeled with PIPE elements where I run a static and transient analysis with sectional forces obtained from an external program. In results viewer I can display max and min von Misses...
Thank you very much!
All it needed was analysis type. Even though I had time dependent forces it was not sufficient/correct to select static analysis.
I changed the analysis type and followed the tutorial you posted and now I get exactly what I want. Thanks again. Much appreciated.
I wanted to ask if anyone can give an advice on what I am doing wrong, I am quite new to this. It is a problem with Ansys Time-history post processor.
What I have done so far is that I have applied 6 different section forces on an offshore jacket construction, moments and forces about 3...
Perhaps I should rephrase my question...I have actually a more need for results than the theory. Log spirals are OK as long as I can see the extent of failure surface with different friction angles... :(
I am having trouble with finding any literature regarding the horizontal extent of a failure surface for a shallow foundation on sand.
I have made a symmetric FEM-model of my foundation to determine its bearing capacity and compare it to lab results along with Terzaghi's solution...