Thank you for your comment. I tried your method and it worked. However when I did the same thing for an RVE with 125,000 elements, an error occured and abaqus cae closed itself after I clicked "Ok" on the error window.
As for the python code I made some progress. This is my program...
Thank you. I am familiar with python and I wrote a small code to communicated with an ODB file. I think I am very close but there is something missing in my program. The code is:
from abaqus import *
from abaqusConstants import *
from odbAccess import *
from visualization import *
Thank you for your response. I used *Node Print; I added the command "*NODE PRINT, NSET=_PICKEDSET3" to the input file under *step (I have attached the input file). But I got the folowing message:
WARNING: The following keywords/parameters are not yet supported by the input file reader...
The format of abaqus output file (ODB) is not text. Is there a way to make Abaqus/CAE generate text output file with the values of stress, temperature, etc. for all elements or nodes in each time step?
Thank you,
Thank you for your response. Actually, I had done a similar thing before: Generated small cubes, meshed them separately and gave initial temp to each. Then I used the interaction module to connect them. There I had to creat an interaction property. The type of interaction was "contact"...
I generated a cubic part and partitioned it to 8 smaller cubes. Using predefined field, I assigned a different temperature to each cube. The objective is to observe how heat is transferred from warmer areas to colder areas. I meshed the part to eight cubic elements, which coincided with...