All of those metals melt at too low temperatures or react with powder content at high temperature. Just today, we were talking about pure iron - we are probably gonna give it a try. Thanks for suggestion!
Hello and thank you all for valuable replies. As a collective reply, what we are going to do is try with steel with less dopands, as TVP suggested, and with smaller ID. And hope for the best. :) A personal note: in last two weeks I've discovered how vast and complex material science is and you...
Excellent post. Let me see if I got this right: no matter what steel do I use, my temperature constrains basically deny me a possibility to improve steel performance by annealing. All I can do is to try with another steel, complying with limits you've kindly provided, that may prove more...
First of all, I'd like to apologize for my poor knowledge of terms, conventions and, possibly, even basics of material science. I will try to compensate that with extensive description of my problem. What I am trying to do is to fill up a steel tube (10mm outer and 8mm inner diameter...