In regards to resin, the manual makes mention of AASHTO M252 and states that it makes environmental cracks basically obsolete. From your experience, is that standard sufficient?
Insight on joints would be much appreciated.
Just to get some additional input, is HDPE or PVC preferred in this situation?
Perforated toe drain will be either 8" or 10" and approximately 5000 LF. Depth below surface is between 4-6 feet. The embankment is considered a high hazard potential. Causes of concern are expansion and contraction...
I've been browsing online for a good website that lists PVC pipe types (EG. SDR 17) that measure up in accordance with particular ASTM standards (specifically F 949 and D 3034).
I've come across manufacturer's websites that have grids of their products and explain which standards they meet up...