Okay- I created a sinusoidal pressure load. I figured out how to define an analytical field but still don't know what constants to use. Right now, my field is 2*sin(TH), relative to a cylindrical coord sys I created. I don't know if that equation is correct though.
What equation/constants...
I have a very simple clevis-pin-type model that I am trying to analyze. I'm pulling on the clevis.
How do define a contact interaction between the clevis and the pin?
I applied a load to the clevis and a BC to the pin. Am I underconstrained?
This seems like a simple problem that I...
Thanks corus. How do i define a sinusoidal load? My understanding is that i have to define an analytical field; is that right? I'm not sure how to set up the variables and coordinate system. Any ideas?
I'm a novice abaqus user. I'm trying to model a plate that:
* is suspended vertically
* has holes across the top
* and one hole on the bottom
* cables run thru the upper holes, securing the plate
* a pin runs thru the bottom hole, applying the load.
* (imagine something like a crane...