So the inverters need to be able to provide the inrush current for about 16ms. The max these inverters are rated for is what I mentioned previously, 150A for 100ms per cluster.
Just to clarify, these inverters work off of a 48V battery bank, and supply AC power on demand; not your typical PV...
Maybe my terminology is wrong; saturate instead of start?
The transformer only starts when the entire power system is turned on, so this should be a rare occurrence. There is no utility grid, only the 'stand-alone grid' created by the off-grid inverters. Again, with my own non-EE disclaimer, I...
I have a 75kVA 208-480 transformer that is part of an off-grid solar system. The transformer has a minimum 3.5x inrush current, per the manufacturer. The power source is (6) SMA Sunny Island inverters, each rated for 5000W@120V, wired in two parallel 'clusters' of three inverters.
Each cluster...
cvg, you may be right about needing a surface drain system only, but at this point my trench is dug, so I am going to install parallel drain systems (solid pipe for surface runoff w/ inlets, perf pipe for french drain). I think it's better to overdo it now, especially if it means even less of a...
Thanks for all the feedback. I'll try to clarify things a bit more:
I assume the dirt got into the old corrugated perforated pipe by passing through the fabric and through the slits. The pipe had an end cap, and was solid with dirt even before the downspouts tied into the system. The...
4 years ago, we installed a french drain that runs 50' parallel to the back of our house, then turns for another 44' to run down the side yard to the street. Our lot is lower than any of our neighbors, so we get all the runoff, and I imagine that we're that much closer to what seems like a high...