I have a radio controlled pylon plane with an engine I've invested quite a bit of time into. It's currently running a fairly well spiked blend of nitromethane and methanol (60%)
I'm trying to reduce weight and drag on the plane. I'd like to run my exhaust inside the plane. I've done this...
More info. The engine uses a glow plug for ignition. It's a platinum coil that reacts with the methanol in the fuel. Heat is the catalyst. Varying the platinum percentage alters the timing like on a distributor.
I build/race model airplanes. My latest project is to attempt to bump up the power delivery and RPM of an engine I'm using in a particular airframe.
It's called a Moki 210. 2.10cid (34.4cc) with a 36mmbx34mms.
These engines come from Europe where nitromethane is next to...