thanks for the reply..ok, i guess i hadnt thuoght of it like that, so i need something that will expand relativly similar to the aluminum block, while still offering the other properties. ..
thanks that also led me to my next question of how tight i needed to make the piston/sleeve but i think...
ok, let me see if i can explain what im doing "simply" then we can go into detail..
i have an aluminum hole, the hole is 1.875" then there is an open gap, and about an inch down another identical hole.
basically, im "sleeving" these 2 holes. there will be a piston inside of this sleeve. (rings...
you do know that you can use carbon in other ways than just carbon fiber right??
the turbine would be and EXCELLENT component to make from carbon/ceramic (brakes are made from this)
you will see cylinders made from Aluminum embedded with Si-Ca (also know as metal matrix composites) your...