please can you tell me why sometimes we use vertical motor instead the horizontal one ,is that position ,vertical,decrease the inertia of motor.
thanks in advance
it is not understood why :some times the load work better with the vertical motor;is the vertical position of motor does its inetia low!,
thank you in advance.
thanks for all for those detailed information;i can point to two response :-the first from electrecepete that:sometimes the mechanical load works better in a vertical position
-the secondfrom vanstoja that:If mechanical shock is a design requirement (eg., combat ships)...
please ,can anyone tell me why in some drives ,we can find vertical motor instead a horizontal one although the horizontal one is more available(technicaly), and efficient.
many thanks in advance
repeated text:
hello again,
*Nothing was in help(i mean adresses that u gave me).
About motor manufactures(leroy somer and others itlian and) ,i had already asked them several times ,had wrote and wrote and it apears me that their interest is rather money(to sell their products) than...
hello again,
*Nothing was in help(i mean adresses that u gave me).
About motor manufactures(leroy somer and others itlian and) ,i had already asked them several times ,had wrote and wrote and it apears me that their interest is rather money(to sell their products) than anything else ,i was...
hallo jbartos,and thank you for your interest to my question .i have consulted the document that you have recomended me(multispeed),but unfortunatly ,there no parametres there(only the power and the ratio of speed are shown).thus i continue to ask for parametres (poles 4/12);may be cmotijunas...
hello,i have asked this question by 19 sept, and having,then, been desapointed ,by chance ,today ,i 've found that some one have been interested to help me(cmotejunas)
so ,i have now a new handle as :nayka ,and i renew my question: number of poles:ratio that is 4(high speed)/12(low...