We are using Allow Replacement on the load behavior.
Believe me we do want to upgrade to any newer version of NX. But we have an IT dept that won't load newer versions and OF COURSE won't let engineering upgrade on our own.
Our company is using NX6.0.0.24
We are currently naming our model files with Alpha Numeric numbers and then an underscore with the 2 digit revision following. ex. BG123456_02. The problem we are having is that model file is copied to the name of the next revision (BG123456_03). The old model...
I am not an electrical engineer. I have been given a project that has 2 ATEX approved solenoids connected to an ATEX approved junction box with a termial strip. The solenoids are connected to the juction box with ATEX approved fittings. I have to connect the solenoid terminals to the terminal...
Thank you for the advice. We probably stay with the master model concept. The reasons this question was submitted is:
We have no data manager
We change the name of our drawings and models per rev (123569_01 to 123569_02)and archive the old drawing.
We have 0 IT help on files managment and are...
We are using NX6 w/o Teamcenter. We now create a solid model file. To create a our drawing we create and assembly and attach the solid model (just created) and then go to drafting to dimension the part. This creates a model file and a drawing file with the same number but a different extension...