We have been asked to verify the fatigue resistance of a component made in Aluminium-Bronze UNS C95400 that will be exposed to very high cyclic loading. Based on experience such materials should be very resistant to fatigue, but now we need to provide calculations. We have done Finite Element...
We are buying a sand cast Aluminum Bronze (C 954) housing. Due to the external geometry it cannot be milled. Since it is sand cast, my concern is that it will not look very good. I am sure we are not the first to have this "problem": What are the options/methods available to surface treat the...
On a vessel we are designing we will be using a blind flange on one end. Being a novice at ASME VIII division 1, I am left uncertain as to what paragrahps I should look to when calculating whether the blind flange we have designed will be sufficient for the intended duty.
Any advice on where...
It states that "(it may) be used in welded construction under the rules of Section VIII, Division 1" It further talks of "Forgings, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Bar, Seamless and Welded Pipe and Tube, and Fittings".
We intend to use this material for bolting. I interpret the above to mean that this...
A potential supplier wants to use a specific material that is not listed in ASME II, part D, but he refers to a code case. The code case was approved 10 years ago, but the material has not been included in the later ASME revisions.
My 2007 listing of code cases says" ASME Boiler and Pressure...
Working for a small company I at times have to perform duties well outside what I consider my core competence. This is such a case:
Part of a new structure we are building must be classed as a "pressure vessel". The geometry is simple, but due to size it is highly likely that the body and...
We are to build a one-off pressure vessel out of a cast aluminum bronze material for submerged use. The aluminum bronze is selected due to good heat transfer capability and past experience. Past experience is, however, not based on applications where ASME VIII-Div 1 has been a requirement...
For a pressure vessel, my supplier has performed calculations according to ASME VIII- section 1. There are concerns regarding the weight of the unit at the location where it will be used. We have therefore taken his drawings, made a 3-d model and run it in ANSYS. It is no surprise to find that...
For a housing, our manufacturer is to use the Aluminum Bronze UNS C95300.
Matweb gives this in the "as cast" and "TQ50 temper" condition, with the TQ50 temper exhibiting better properties.
2 Questions:
1: What is the process assoicated with bringing it to the TQ50 temper condition?
2: What is...
I have also been under the impression that there is a non-precictable difference between the U and V notch values. Looking through the datasheets I have, however, also found materials where the U-notch value was higher than for the V-notch.
Anyway, the certifying agency has informed me that we...
For a pressure casing, we are looking at using a Copper-Aluminum Bronze (UNS C95300). The design is to be certified by a 3rd party verifying body for use on a ship. The standard to which we certify demands a minimum Charpy V-Notch value of 27 J. We have performed a rather extensive search for...
Stanier's Slurry pumping handbook has been ordered and is in the mail. There also seems to be a lot of useful information in the BHRA papers. It has dawned on me that I have asked a question where there are no good answers, just a lot of opinions...
I believe Artesi is right when saying that I am unlikely to find much info on this topic. I have contacted more experienced materials engineers to see what they have to say, and will have to see what they come up with.
Thanks for the effort!
There are many factors affecting slurry pump wear. In connection with settting up tests to verify the performance of a particular pump, I am trying to establish the influence of each factor. Such as: Wear is linear to the solids concentration. Wear is proportional to the velocity squared and so...
We are looking at using the material CB7Cu or ASTM A747 in a slurry pumping application. I am trying to convince the end-user (and myself) that the wear resistance of the material is sufficient without performing expensive tests. Many hours have been spent on Google trying to find relevant...