I misunderstood your question. Let me try again
The warp and weft fiber materials are not necessarily different, but they can be. The warp fiber material is an orthotropic material defining the 0 and 90 degree properties of the warp material. The weft fiber material is an orthotropic material...
The value 100 is the Set Identification number (SID). It is referenced from the NASTRAN Case Control section. So your NASTRAN deck would look something like
SOL 103
This is controlled through the NASTRAN EIGRL card. Looking at your Quick Reference Guide set ND blank, V1 your lower frequency and V2 your upper frequency and you should be set. You can control the content of this card in the NX I/F. It is a solution attribute on the "Case Control" tab.
The GPSORT Case Control command is not yet explicitly supported in the UI. You can add it (or any other CC request) by going to the "Case Control" tab in the solution attributes and add it using the "User Defined Text" Modeling Object. Alternatively you can do a File->Export->Simulation to write...