Thank you all for inputs. I discovered some helpful tips searching for swift model on the web.
Can anybody shed some light on how non-deburred condition affect fatigue life of a joint?
If fastener installation calls for clecos or temporary fasteners, can burr be formed between plates?
Thank you. Now on the fatigue perspective how should we proceed? As you mentioned Larger dia will reduce the bearing stress. However, increased pin load will diminish it. Bypass load will change if short E/D persists. Inner ribs have protruding head and outer ribs are countersunk.
Will fastener dia increase (oversize or nominal)from blueprint increase fastener load? For example, in Wing shear tie foot to skin joint there are usually 3 or 4 fasteners. If one of them is changed to next oversize (1st or 2nd)or next nominal will the fastener load change? From stiffness...