i am setting concrete beams and they want the ends dapped my under standing of this they should already come that way they are on a slite angle and pourd that way allready can you shed some lite on this
if my caison is poured and i dont have enough lap bar on the cage
can i drill next to the rebar at 2ft deep and epoxy in a rebar to continue my missing lap this is for a single bridge caison
i resently poured a caison can for a hammer head. we realized that our hoops were short by one run the contractor would like us to chip out the concrete and lap the splice and then continue. they want a 52 inch splice for a number 5 bar .being the concrete is at grade wouldntit be the same thing...
im trying to find a mix desighn that would work in cold weather the mix would have to be 5000 psi and woud have to be able to pour in weather from 20 deg, to 40 deg.
the problem is my concrete is to hard to vibrate and has to be a2inch 4000 psi concrete and a slump plus 1 if the 57 stone is dry and pollyheed 997 would this create a problem that im haven ??
I am currently usen a 4000psi mix that has glenium 7500 in it my problem seems to be that 1, I can only have a2inch slump plus 1 and when we add any water it dryes to fast and cant vibrate it the other fast is it is being added at the plant witch is 35 min away the amount of glenium 7500 is 9oz...