Thanks for the replies. That probably is the best idea to get somebody local to get another opinion from. I don't like second guessing the engineers judgement, but in this case with literally everyone else using these without problems I believe the math will back up what is seen in the field if...
I am a contractor working on a basic storm sewer project installing rcp pipe, sizes 18"-72", to replace failed metal pipes for multiple road crossings. In my area most people use precast reinforced headwalls that have an opening a couple inches larger than the pipe with 45 degree wing walls on...
Thanks for the links CVG.
Yeah, I have looked into joining the military. I was really looking at the Navy Civil Engineering Corps and the Air Force version of that. I still think that would be a good option for me. One of my several concerns is they don't actually do any design work from my...
I am a civil engineer that graduated within the last year. As I'm sure everyone knows, the economy has not been favorable for getting jobs. Since graduating, I have worked in the field for a utility construction company. Unfortunately, work has crawled along for the last two months and my...