Thanks, for the reply, Brian. The facesheets are going to be 1 to 3 mm thick in various configurations. I am hoping to use the honeycomb to support the silica plates and minimize the z-amplitude of surface waves caused by the vibration. in the worst case scenario (resonance), the standing waves...
Hi all,
I am seeking to model an aluminum honeycomb core structure in Comsol as part of a high-frequency (>10kHz) vibrating structure. The honeycomb separates and supports two thin sheets of silica, and the entire structure vibrates in the x-y (1-2) plane.
The honeycomb's material definition...
Hi eng-tip gurus,
I've been searching on this topic for about an hour now, but none of the posts I've read have really answered my question(s). I am kind of a solidworks newbie, and have just discovered the option of using design sheets instead of parametric equations to define dimension...
Hi all,
I am have a basic block-truss-block-truss-block assembly in abaqus CAE, where the outside blocks are fixed on all DoF and the inside block is free on all DoF. My intent is to treat the trusses as pretensioned cables, creating a spring-mass-spring arrangement where the center-block mass...