Disagreement is healthy..................
I have held 4 ACCP Level III certifications (grandfathered in). I currently hold 3 ASNT Level III's.
ASNT does not care what sector one works in, but it is up to the employer to accept the portability of ACCP certifications. My point was that to...
I authored CC 2235-3 which added ASME Section I to the already existing ASME Section VIII and also increased the material thickness range.
ANSI B31.1 adopted the code case (don't remember the number) as written. The ASME Code committee turned it into an ASME Section XI style nightmare with all...
The ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP) was an attempt to expedite the NDT certification process but is industry specific (e.g., aerospace, power, pipeline, etc.) In other words, you cannot have NDT certifications with an aerospace company and then go to a nuclear power plant because the...