Thank you for your quick answer, made me do a second attempt.
Solved it by setting the search path to ReuseLibraryFasteners.krx in Customer Defaults (Gateway->Reuse Library->Fastener Assembly->User Defined Fastener Assembly Configuration File).
Case closed.
I would like to add our own components in Fastener Assembly. According to the documentation should you go to, Tools-> Reuse Library-> Fastener Assembly Assistant-> Customize Fastener Assembly and then right-click the top node and choose Add Standard.
Here comes my problem, Add Standard is...
I have a workflow that branches off into two paths. At the end of my workflow I want them to synchronize (wait for each other). The task that synchronizes the two branches should not require any user input.
I have attached a picture as an example.
I can’t make this work, please help.
After creating your part family with selected expressions, attributes etc. you save or copy your template file to a Reuse library directory. Go to Reuse library and refresh (if necessary) the folder where you saved your template and it should show up.
Then you right click your template and...
Ok my idea was that users should use the articles that are in stock in the first place. And if only necessary I order articles that are not in stock. I forgot to say that I'm working with standard parts comming from different manufacturers.
But then I have to figure of something else. Thank you.
I've created the template file of my model. There are 30 different versions of my template with unique part numbers that I deal with using part families and Reuse library. When I create the KRX file for use in Reuse library, I choose that users can browse all 30 articles by part number. But let...