Our client specification calls for SSC testing but doesn't specify the frequency. We have to propose a test frequency. However, would like to keep it to minimum considering the time required for testing. We are thinking of proposing "One test on highest thickness from each plate mill". Your...
Is there any established for ASSC (Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking)? We have a case where we need to establish the suitability of material in given condition for Amine Service. The test should help me proving the suitability of material for Amine service. I tried with many laboratories, but...
I pressume the test coupon thickness is 23.01 mm. There is no tolerance on upper limit of thickness qualified. The thickness ranges for procedures and welder are different and can't be compared. Since you referred the welder, please note that there is no upper limit on thickness for the welder...
Thanks for the reply. The repair has to be as pr NBIC and there are no other regulations. The new manufaturer have the ASME stamp. Can they use the original drawings, without any new design calculations and drawings?
We have a heat exchanger supplied by manufacturer "XYZ" in the year 2006. The equipment is installed outside USA/Canada. Now, we have a situation, where we need to replace the channer cover. This will be repair as per NBIC. However, we need to buy channel cover from different supplier. I...
A heat exchanger manufactured in 2006, but still not taken in to service. Code of construction is ASME Sec VIII Div 1 and the heat exchnager is code stamped. The equipment is installed outside USA/Canada.
Now the heat exchanger need to be derated (Without any physical change to the vessel)...
Hi davefitx,
Thanks for the feedback! The Vessel is placed in Kazaksthan, hence jurisdiction is not applicable.
In case vessel is derated by end user himself, what will happen to code stamping? What should be done to retain code stamping?
A heat exchanger manufactured in 2006, but still not taken in to service. Code of construction is ASME Sec VIII Div 1 and the heat exchnager is code stamped.
Now the heat exchanger need to be derated (Without any physical change to the vessel) for lesser MAWP on channel side. Since NBIC...
The ISO 9001 certificate is issued for 3 years after which recertification has to be done. recently, I have come across ISO certificate issued for a period of ten years from the date of issue. I tried to get clarification from issuing body but could not succeed. Is it possible to issue ISO...
Thanks for the response, UT is being carried out before PWHT as well, but before weld over lay on the joint. Re examination after PWHT is customer requirement.
We need to carry out ultrasonic testing of welds on 106 mm thick SA 516 Gr. 70 Plate with 6mm thick SS 316 weld overlay. What would be the effect of attenuation and how it can be taken care during Ultrasonic tesing? Carrying out UT before overlay is not an option as UT need to be done after...