Hi ,
i need some help in surface cohesive zone model opening mode (mode I)
1. Damage evolution :
what is BK and Power, why allways power = 2.284 ,how a get the values for the 3 Fracture Energy G .
2. Damage initiation :
how we get the values for Nmax, Tmax , Smax
it's great if someone...
It's ( !Warnings)message ,and i get another warnings :
The system matrix has 2 negative eigenvalues.
The strain increment has exceeded fifty times the strain to cause first yield at 5 points
Excessive distortion at a total of 8 integration points in solid (continuum) elements
The system...
i run my job and got this ERROR:
For contact pair (assembly_surf-7-assembly_surf-1), adjustment was specified but no node was indeed adjusted more than adjustment distance = 2.22000e-16.
can anybody tell me what is this error and how can i solve it
i am a novice ABAQUS user , i have a Rechtangular 3D Model (elastic Plastic) of 4 hexagonal grains with different Poisson's Ratio and Modulus of Elasticitis,the target is cohesive zone model (Traction-Separation Law) ,Mode I
for the cohesive zone i created the contact interactions...