gbam - Yes, i considered both basins and they are similar in size. That is why i feel comfortable using the 100-yr to 100-yr. One, it is a conservative approach, and two, it isn't that unreasonable.
francesca - Thank you for all your help, i really appreciate it!
First, I was accounting for the backwater conditions by placing the most downstream cross section in my model at the upstream end of the known backwater and using that backwater elevation as a downstream boundary condition (The subject property is upstream of any backwater effects).
Then i...
I don't have sufficient data on the Main River to place a junction, and this application isn't worth the extra time and money to survey or obtain that information. Is there a 'more correct' method between placing the most downstream cross section at the confluence versus placing it at the edge...
I am modeling a average size stream (Model Stream) (14 sq miles) into another studied stream (Main River). I am using the backwater or BFE of the Main River as my downstream boundary condition. I want to know where to place my most downstream cross section on the model stream. Do I place it...