Ok i see, so you say that it doesnt matter at what height i put the sprinkler system??? obviously following the point 8.6.4 about the deflector position???
Im designing a sprinler system for a hvac metal workshop, it will have some lockformer machines, a duct fabric line and a vulcan cut table. Ive read in nfpa 13 that a metal workshop should be classified as a occupancie Ordinary hazard 2, but i have the concern that the ceiling its pretty high...
Ok i see, thanks for all the answers! i was in the field so couldnt respond sooner. I checked out the building code and it helped me out. Thanks again!
Hi, i have a problem with the criteria for the selection of the system class?? In the norm it only says the different tipes of systems (Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3) but it doesnt say anything about wich one to use depending the hazard?????
I hope some one could help me with this. Thanks